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Board of Directors

Board of Directors for 2024-2025 Season

The following Directors were nominated and elected at the Annual Meeting on March 30, 2024. 

Anthony Bo

Board Member

Tim Haarmann

Vice President

Thomas Mulligan

Board Member

Kevin Shumway

Board Member

Chris Deorio

Board Member

Stephanie Howard


Jean Rutan

Board Member

Keith Gvazdauskas

Board Member

Kevin Magill


John Whalley


Non-Voting Members

Josh Bedard

Program Director

Jen Lyman

Business Manager

Scott Wilkinson

Race Administrator

The Board of Directors meets monthly to keep the club running. We have a number of committees that report at each meeting, such as Finance, Facilities, Race, Social, Membership. The board encourages non-board members to serve on these committees in order to get the most input and assistance in making things happen.

Our fiscal year is July 1 – June 30. We spend much of the summer creating a budget for the upcoming competition season. The board sets training fees and hires club employees, purchases insurance and equipment on behalf of the club, and deals with issues as they come up, if they are not covered by the budget or currently set club policies.

The board members mirror the club membership, and consist of parents from all age groups as well as former members. 

As a board member the commitment can be as little as attending meetings and sharing your ideas, but if you want to be on the board it is likely you are interested in helping the club operate smoothly and will be a member or or chair one of the committees.

If you do not feel you can serve on the board, please consider serving on a committee. Committees include

  • Finance Committee
  • Membership and Communication Committee
  • Facilities Committee
  • Fundraising Committee
  • Race Organizing Committee
  • Social Committee. 

The commitment is minimal but your input will be huge! As a parent-managed club it is all of us together who run this club, and we need and value your input, so please make sure your voice is heard.